Student Development

How do we educate and transform a young student into a rational, educated Christian adult ready to become a productive member of society? King’s Academy intends to achieve this objective by focusing on three areas of development in which the whole child may grow to realize their God-given destiny

Physical Development

  • The student will comprehend that the body is the temple of God and it is necessary to eat properly, exercise, rest and abstain from harmful substances in order to develop physical fitness and coordination.
  • The student will learn to use Biblical principles in all athletic endeavors and will understand and refine the concept of sportsmanship.
  • The student will develop self-discipline, responsibility, and self-control based on submission to God and delegated authority.

Intellectual Development

  • The student will learn the skills for effective communication, critical thinking and comprehension in the academic world.
  • The student will develop an appreciation of the arts, sciences, the world of mathematics, history and most importantly, how these disciplines reveal the mind of God as well as the value systems and principles upon which our nation was created.
  • The student will acquire reading and writing skills that will help him understand human language and explore the wonders of narrative and most importantly, sacred scripture itself.
  • The student will understand the integration of Biblical principles as applied to ethics, morality, and justice within the life context.

Spiritual and Emotional Development

  • The student will know the basic components of the Christian faith.
  • The student will understand that the Bible is the guide for daily living, and will be encouraged to seek and do the will of God.
  • The student will learn to apply Biblical principles in handling emotions in all arenas of life.
  • The student will know that each individual in the world is a unique person of worth.
  • The student will develop a love of God, mankind, family, church, and the greater community, assuming responsibilities for same.

King’s Academy is proud of the quality Christian students educated by our academic program. Our many graduating seniors have gone on to outstanding colleges and universities, and have proven to be true beacons of light. In a concerted effort with parents, King’s Academy welcomes the opportunity to transform, educate, and develop your child into a powerful, righteous Christian man or woman who will carry your values into the future.